6 Bad Impact Due to Not Using the AC Fan Correctly


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6 Bad Impact Due to Not Using the AC Fan Correctly

Saturday, October 12, 2019

6 Bad Impact Due to Not Using the AC Fan Correctly - Hallo Dear, Mediavizyon.blogspot.com, This article that you read this time with the title 6 Bad Impact Due to Not Using the AC Fan Correctly, We have prepared this article well for you to read and retrieve the information in it. hopefully the contents of we write can be understood by you. Alright, happy reading.

Title : 6 Bad Impact Due to Not Using the AC Fan Correctly
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6 Bad Impact Due to Not Using the AC Fan Correctly

Buy an AC fan of course
the right choice if you have a limited budget. Besides because
the price is cheap, you also don't need to worry about electricity bills
swell. Small electricity consumption makes the AC fan become
much sought after by users of air conditioners.

Many assume that the results
the air produced by the AC fan is the same as the air conditioner.
So that, they use a fan
AC in a closed room. That certainly will have a negative impact on
You. AC fans can work optimally when used in the room
which has good air circulation.

AC fan

For that it is necessary for you
understand the bad effects that will attack you if you do not use AC fan correctly. Here are some of the bad effects that you can feel:

  1. Cause Disruption

AC wind can make a room that has a hot temperature turns cool.
However, as stated earlier that if placed in the room
being closed actually creates danger.

caused is the emergence of respiratory disorders such as asthma or spots
in the lungs. That happened because in a closed room, circulation
the air becomes obstructed. As a result, the air actually contains particles
dust and harm us if inhaled.

  1. Reducing Oxygen in

one of living things, of course we need oxygen to breathe. Air
that is not fresh will certainly be bad for our health. You need to know, AC fan can dapa
reduce oxygen levels in the room.

this happens because the way the AC fan works is by absorbing air
heat in the room, then use it to do the process
water evaporation. If your circulation is poor or closed, then of course air
which will spin unchanged. Air quality will certainly continue to decline
because there is no air exchange.

over time due to no air exchange, the room will be felt
very moist and sticky. The air will smell fishy and musty. Oxygen in
the room will continue to decrease. This is what can interfere with your health.

if you breathe in moist air, then you have to prepare yourself
for asthma. You will easily catch a cold and catch a cold.

  1. Facilitating the Spread of Bacteria

AC fan work is to moisten the air. When used at
closed room, then the room will be very humid. Very humid air
will certainly cause bacteria so easily. Bacteria can also be with
easily spread in the room because there is no air circulation. If you
in that room, you must prepare yourself to be easily exposed
disease due to bacterial infection.

  1. Trigger Allergies

Feeling often sneeze in a room that uses an AC fan? That matter
happens because you are allergic to the air produced by the AC fan
that. Allergies arise because you breathe unclean air.

Check it out
your AC fan and try to remember if you did
care? If you have never done maintenance, then of course filter / water tank
that is on the AC fan will be dirty because a lot of dust.

the dirty plus the high humidity level because of the room
closed, making bacteria able to multiply easily. So, if
You inhale it will certainly cause allergies.

  1. Weakened Immunity

cold, dirty, and humid air due to lack of air circulation
Well, it will certainly make your immune system weaker if you continue
inhale it. This makes you easily susceptible to disease.

  1. Cause Tool Damage

AC fan storage can affect the surrounding area. Way
work that moisturizes the air and water which is the main ingredient
cooling process makes this one tool must be taken into account its placement.

that we already know in the previous explanation, if the fan is AC
placed in a closed room then the air will be very humid. Certainly
threatens the safety of your electronic goods. Electronic goods that should be
stored in a cool and dry place, it will be susceptible to damage due to
the air is very humid and wet.

That is some
losses that can strike you if you don't use an AC fan with
correct. By reading this article, you can avoid mistakes in this article
use an AC fan, so you can survive the disadvantages

Thus the article 6 Bad Impact Due to Not Using the AC Fan Correctly

So this article, 6 Bad Impact Due to Not Using the AC Fan Correctly hopefully can benefit you all. ok, see you in another article post.

You are now reading the article 6 Bad Impact Due to Not Using the AC Fan Correctly with the link address https://mediavizyon.blogspot.com/2019/10/6-bad-impact-due-to-not-using-ac-fan.html